This article on vectors is part of an ongoing crash course on linear algebra programming, demonstrating concepts and implementations in Python. The following examples will demonstrate some of the algebraic and geometric interpretations of a vector using Python. A vector is an ordered list of numbers, represented in row or column form.
This small series of articles on linear algebra is meant to help you prepare for learning the deeper concepts related to Machine Learning and math that drives the higher level abstractions provided by many of the libraries available today.
Python examples in this article make use of the Numpy library. Read my article Python Data Essentials - Numpy if you want a quick overview on this important Python library. Visualizations are accomplished with the Matplotlib Python library. For a beginners guide to Matplotlib might try my article Python Data Essentials - Matplotlib and Seaborn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

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Algebraic vs Geometric Interpretations
Vectors are a list of numbers containing metrics or coordinates. Both algebraic or geometric intuitions may be used to represent vectors. Each number inside a vector is considered an element and the order of elements in a vector is important. The $\mathbb{R}$ symbol denotes a Real number, and in this example, two real numbers are created with a row vector.
An $\mathbb{R}^2$ row vector
\vec{va} =
10 & -20 \
# a 2-dimensional row vector
va = np.array([ 10, -20 ])
print(f' type: {type(va)}')
print(f' size: {va.size}')
print(f'shape: {va.shape}')
[ 10 -20]
type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
size: 2
shape: (2,)
Geometric vectors describe a length and direction. The origin (0,0) is a common starting point for most vectors. However, they may begin anywhere.
# plot the vector in "standard position"
# create a dotted line from -20 to 20 on 0 x axis
plt.plot([-30, 30],[0, 0],'k--')
# create a dotted line from -20 to 20 on 0 y axis
plt.plot([0, 0],[-30, 30],'k--')
# add some grid lines
# fit the axis
plt.axis((-30, 30, -30, 30))
Vectors are robust to translation, meaning that there can be many [ 10 -20] vectors all with different origins. A geometric vector begins at an origin, whereas a coordinate may exist anywhere.
# standard position
sp = np.array([ 0, 0 ])
# position a
pa = np.array([ 5, 5 ])
# position b
pb = np.array([ -20, 15 ])
# create a dotted line from -20 to 20 on 0 x axis
plt.plot([-30, 30],[0, 0],'k--')
# create a dotted line from -20 to 20 on 0 y axis
plt.plot([0, 0],[-30, 30],'k--')
# add some grid lines
plt.xlabel('x (0)')
plt.ylabel('y (1)')
# fit the axis
plt.axis((-30, 30, -30, 30))
A 3-dimensional row vector
\vec{vb} =
10 & -20 & \pi \
# a 3-dimensional row vector
vb = np.array([ 10, -20, np.pi ])
print(f' type: {type(vectb)}')
print(f' size: {vb.size}')
print(f'shape: {vb.shape}')
[ 10. -20. 3.14159265]
type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
size: 3
shape: (3,)
# plotting the 3-dimensional vb
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot([0, vb[0]],[0, vb[1]],[0, vb[2]])
# add some dashed lines across the x, y and z axis
ax.plot([0, 0],[0, 0],[-20, 20],'k--')
ax.plot([0, 0],[-20, 20],[0, 0],'k--')
ax.plot([-20, 20],[0, 0],[0, 0],'k--')
A 3-dimensional column vector
$\vec{vectb}$ can be transposed $\vec{vectb} = \vec{vectb}^{T}$ to form a 3-dimensional column vector.
# transposing 1-d vectores is not typically needed
# with numpy as it will automatically broadcast a
# 1D array when doing various calculations
array([[ 10. ],
[-20. ],
[ 3.14]])
Addition and Subtraction
Vector addition and subtraction requires vectors of equal length. Create two $\mathbb{R}2$ (Real number) vectors $\vec{vectc}$ and $\vec{vectd}$.
- Add the vectors together $\vec{vecte} = \vec{vectc} + \vec{vectd}$
- Subtract c from d, $\vec{vectf} = \vec{vectc} - \vec{vectd}$
# two R2 vectors
vectc = np.array([ 15, 8 ])
vectd = np.array([ 1, -11 ])
# add the vectors
vecte = vectc + vectd
array([16, -3])
# geometric intuition
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.annotate([0,0], (0,0))
ax.annotate(vectc, vectc)
ax.annotate(vecte, vecte)
ax.plot([0, vectc[0]],[0, vectc[1]],'b',label='vectc')
ax.plot([0, vectd[0]]+vectc[0],[0, vectd[1]]+vectc[1],'g',label='vectd')
ax.plot([0, vecte[0]],[0, vecte[1]],'r',label='vecte')
ax.axis((-10, 25, -15, 20 ))
plt.xlabel('vecte = vectc + vectd')
An algebeaiac interpretation:
# subtract d from c
vectf = vectc - vectd
array([14, 19])
Scalar Multiplication
Create $\vec{vectg}$ as an $\mathbb{R}2$ array with coordinates [ 2, 5 ]
vectg = np.array([ 5, 2 ])
# geometric intuition
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([0, vectg[0]],[0, vectg[1]],'b',label='vectg')
ax.axis((-10, 10, -10, 10 ))
Scalars are often noted with lowercase greek symbols like alpha: $\alpha$, beta: $\beta$, and theta: $\theta$
$\vec{vecth} = \theta\vec{vectg}$
m = 1.5
vecth = vectg * m
array([ 7.5, 3. ])
A geometric intrepretation shows the scaling of the vector through multiplication, changing it’s lenth while it’s orgin remains constant.
# geometric intuition
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([0, vectg[0]],[0, vectg[1]],'b',label='vect_g')
ax.plot([0, vecth[0]],[0, vecth[1]],'g:',label='vect_h')
ax.axis((-10, 10, -10, 10 ))
Multiply $\vec{vectg}$ by the scalar m2.
$\vec{vecti} = \vec{vectg}\alpha$
alpha = -1.5
vecti = vectg * alpha
# geometric intuition
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([0, vectg[0]],[0, vectg[1]],'b',label='vect_g')
ax.plot([0, vecti[0]],[0, vecti[1]],'r:',label='vect_i')
ax.axis((-10, 10, -10, 10 ))
Vector multiplication (dot product)
The dot product (or scalar product) is a single number representing the relationship between two vectors.
- $\vec{vectr}$ is an $\mathbb{R}3$ array with coordinates [ 2, 5, -7 ]
- $\vec{vects}$ is an $\mathbb{R}3$ array with coordinates [ 1.5, 4, -1 ]
- The dot product of $\vec{vectr}$ and $\vec{vects}$ is 30.
- $\vec{vectr}\cdot\vec{vects} = \vec{vectr}^T\vec{vects} = \sum_{i=1}^n\vec{vectr_i}\vec{vects_i}$
vectr = np.array([ 2, 5, -7])
vects = np.array([ 1.5, 4, -1])
# the dot product is the sum of products
rs =,vects)
Next: Matrices
Check out the next article in this series, Linear Algebra: Matrices 1: Linear Algebra Crash Course for Programmers Part 2a.
This blog post, titled: "Linear Algebra: Vectors: Crash Course for Python Programmers Part 1" by Craig Johnston, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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